Frank Pope
Meet Frank Pope, a distinguished law enforcement professional with a wealth of experience and a passion for ensuring safety and security. Currently serving as Detective Commander at a suburban police department within DuPage County, Illinois, since 2005, Frank’s commitment to excellence extends beyond his role, making him a sought-after expert in training and consulting.
Frank’s educational background includes studies in Law Enforcement and Justice Administration at Western Illinois University, laying the foundation for his outstanding career. As a certified instructor for rapid deployment and immediate trauma care with the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board (ILETSB), Frank brings a unique blend of practical experience and instructional prowess to the table.
Within the police department, Frank is a versatile asset, holding roles such as detective, juvenile officer, Strategies and Tactics of Patrol Stops (S.T.O.P.S.) instructor, lead homicide investigator, breaching instructor, room clearing/tactical entry instructor, CPR instructor and stop the bleed instructor. His leadership extends to serving as a team leader for the DuPage County Major Crimes Task Force and as a dedicated member of DuPage County’s Incident Management Assistance Team (IMAT).
Frank’s commitment to professional development is evident in his graduation from Northwestern University Center for Public Safety School of Police Staff and Command Class #561. Certified as a Force Science Analyst and through the Illinois Fire Service Institute in Active Shooter Incident Management and School Safety, Frank brings a comprehensive skill set to his training and consulting endeavors.
A decorated professional, Frank was named the 2018 Detective of the Year by the Addison Police Department and has received numerous awards and recognitions from the prestigious Chicago Crime Commission. His extensive background includes serving as a Task Force Officer with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), where he collaborated with specialized units both nationally and internationally.
Specializing in active shooter training and security assessments, Frank has conducted evaluations for various entities, including local park districts, schools, and private businesses. His commitment to community safety extends to his personal life, where he dedicates his free time to coaching youth sports teams and serving on the board of trustees for his church and children’s school.
In the realm of training and consulting, Frank Pope stands out as a seasoned professional, offering a unique blend of real-world experience, academic knowledge, and a genuine commitment to enhancing safety and security for organizations and communities. Partner with Frank for tailored solutions that prioritize your specific needs and ensure a safer future.